Part 1: Ten Reasons Why I'm a Weirdo
Okay, so weirdo might be a strong word. Different? Quirky? Against the grain? Take your pick. Today I’m being transparent and sharing some strange things about me. Brace for impact! I began this list when I first started blogging and so far I'm at 21 stay tuned for at least a part two! And likely a part three and four and five and six. I truly am a weirdo.
- I hate being late. I turn into a beast if I am late. I’ve been known to shut off the radio/clock in the van so I don’t obsess over exactly how late I’m going to be. I have passed this on to my eldest and feel pretty bad about it.
- I despise loud eating noises. It used to be cute when my kids were eating but I’m SO over that. Misophonia is what it is called. When I googled it for the spelling there was a 35-second clip giving an example of it. I clicked on it (of course) and shut it off after 1 second. And then proceeded to throw my laptop out the window.
- I struggle with both conversation hogs (people who love to hear themselves talk and never stop talking) and conversation stealers (think Oprah, constantly interrupting people with their own stories). I am a great listener, but sometimes I just want to speak.
- I need my flat sheet on my bed to be perfectly smooth. I don’t mean I iron it after washing - Lord have mercy. I just mean it has to be smooth when I lay down to go to sleep. I hate the feeling of a wrinkled sheet on my body.
- I do laundry on Thursdays. My kids (not so) affectionately call it laundry Thursday. I’ve been doing this since I was married. If I have to do a load on a day other than Thursday it throws my whole week off. I wash, fold and put away before I go to bed on Thursday.
- Speaking of laundry...I love the smell of laundry. Laundry detergent, dryer sheets, laundry rooms, laundromats, it’s all gold to me. My middle daughter is the same. Sometimes on laundry Thursday we’ll sniff fresh laundry like a couple of psychos.
- I can’t leave dirty dishes in the sink at night. It drives me crazy to think about a dirty sink. My husband and I have a weird routine every night. I’ll put the soap in the dishwasher and leave the dishwasher door open and he closes it and starts it before he goes to bed. We’ve never talked about this process, it just organically happens.
- I can’t stand wearing sunglasses. If it is super sunny I’ll wear them, otherwise, pass. Probably because I have a small head and it is nearly impossible to find a pair that fit.
- I love to organize. Nothing makes me happier than the end product of an organized space. Sometimes I sit in the space and enjoy a glass of wine when I’m done. Okay, so I’ve never actually done that, but now I want to! Look out pantry!
- Along with organizing, I love getting rid of things. Nothing makes me happier when I have gotten rid of clothes I no longer wear or haul a big bag of garbage out of my kids’ rooms. I love having a donation pile to get that stuff out of my house!
Okay, that's all I have in me for now. Do any of these resonate with you or am I alone in my psycho-ness? Please share!
Until Next Time,