Monday, February 5, 2018

My 2018 Super Bowl Recap

First of all, let me start by saying this recap will not include the Puppy Bowl (didn’t watch) or “This is Us” (didn’t watch). Glad we cleared that up.

My family watched the Super Bowl with a few friends this year and for the first time in a loooong time, I was able to watch the game from start to finish. Yeah! And if you’ll remember...I am a die hard Vikings fan, the Eagles beat the Vikings to go to the Super Bowl, so I chose to cheer for the Patriots.

I know, I know...Tom Brady wins every year, we need someone new, blah blah blah. First, if the Patriots are the best team in the NFL they should win the Super Bowl. Second, Tom Brady is a pretty cool guy with a pretty cool wife and a perfect diet. Third, I don’t really have a third. They lost so that’s that.

At church yesterday morning our pastor talked about the Christians on both the Patriots and Eagles teams. Specifically, the Eagles quarterback, Nick Foles, has aspirations to become a pastor when his stint in the NFL is over. His teammates commend him for his positive attitude and his ability to recite scripture. Thanks Pastor Mike! It really made it easier for me to accept an Eagles victory when I know their team leader is praising Jesus every step of the way.


I thought the commercials were weak this year. Tide? Are we doing damage control because of the Tide Pod catastrophe? Some weird middle-aged dude talking about Tide seemed very odd to me. Multiply it by four or five commercials? Pass. Weird. And dilly dilly should be put to rest and never awakened. I appreciate the effort to create a new and trendy “whaaaaazup” type line, but again. Pass.

My top four favorite commercials:
  • A red M&M finds a penny, wishes to be human and turns into Danny DeVito. He asks everyone, do you want to eat me? I laughed out loud - for a while - when he was hit by a car. Hilarious.

  • The Alexa commercial where celebrities stepped in to “help” Alexa respond to requests and hilarity ensues. Although Anthony Hopkins will likely haunt my dreams.

  • The Australia tourism/“Crocodile Dundee” commercial was great. Upon further research I realized this was a made up movie trailer to promote Australian tourism. Or is it? Why the confusing message? Movie or not? Maybe the masses will shout loud enough to actually get this movie made, it actually looks pretty darn good!

  • But by far, my favorite commercial was Eli Manning and Odell Beckham Jr. dancing to “I’ve Had the Time of My Life”. I had to ask someone what the commercial was advertising after (NFL), but the lift at the end made my night. The whole room was dying. Well played Eli.


  • I didn't know who Leslie Odom Jr. was (after looking him up I now realize he is probably someone I should know). His rendition of "America the Beautiful" was very well done. I may have even clapped.

  • Pink slayed the National Anthem despite being sick. I LOVED that she took a cough drop out of her mouth right before she started. Badass.

  • Justin Timberlake performing at halftime is what dreams are made of (at least my dreams!) I’ve loved JT since his N’Sync days (praise Jesus that he didn’t invite the group to sing with him last night). I thought he was amazing, loved the deer shirt, sweet dance moves as always and the Prince tribute? Perfect and I’m sure very appreciated by Minnesotans. #jtfanforlife

The Game

Both teams played well. The Eagles haven’t won for a while (or ever? Google wasn’t sure, something about a merger, blah blah blah). I was mainly trying to focus on focusing on the commercials instead of automatically trying to tune them out. But I will say, there was a game and there was a winner. The end.

I'd love to hear your favorite part of the Super Bowl evening! Commercials? Half-time show? Bawling over "This is Us"?

Until Next Time,


At February 6, 2018 at 1:29 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Game was great, a nail biter if you were a fan of either team. I was not, I am a true Bills fan (I know!) but wanted the Vikings to win & go to the Super Bowl. But I was glad Eagles won. Brady is good but let someone else win. (Long time Cubs fan so I am always for the under dog that has never won). Very disappointed in the commercials. Actually missed the Eli one so watched the next day & yes it probably was my favorite. Was hoping to see the Clydesdales & their great puppy/horse commercial. But no. I did stay up to watch This is Us & loved it, I mean I didn't love what happened but cried my eyes out. I know you think that is silly Neko, but a good cry is good for you! Thanks for sharing your insight, always love reading your blog & getting in a laugh because of your humor!!

At February 6, 2018 at 5:09 PM , Blogger Neko said...

I totally get why people love "This is Us". I'm just too empathetic. I can't separate real life and tv so if I actually bawled that hard over a fake story, it would affect my real life. That's the best way to describe it. And yes, I realize I'm a weirdo ;-). Thanks for reading friend!!

At February 20, 2018 at 11:05 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm right there with you on "This is Us", Neko. I am too afraid to watch it because I'll cry for a week.

At February 20, 2018 at 1:27 PM , Blogger Neko said...

You my friend, would be a hot mess! 😂😂❤️❤️


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