Friday Favorites
It's Friday and a heat wave here in central Iowa, 43 degrees! Compared to the below zero temperatures we've been having with windchills reaching negative ludicrous degrees, forty-three is aaah-mazing! Here is a round-up of what I'm loving this week!
Bible verse: Joshua 1:9
This is my command - be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
“She’s Still There” by Chrystal Evans Hurst
This book started my journey into pursuing writing. Chrystal talks about her own journey of finding herself again after years of drifting from what she once was. It is inspiring, heartfelt and pure goodness. If you’ve ever questioned God’s plan for your life, read this book! P.S. I emailed her after I read it to thank her for writing such an inspiring book and she actually emailed me back and offered great advice!
Salt and Pepper Pistachios
My go-to snack right now. You should see me eat them, I’m like a well-oiled cracking and popping machine. They are fantastic. And you can buy them in bulk at Costco which is a good thing and a really, really bad thing. You can also get them here or at your local grocery store.

CND Vinylux Weekly Nail Polish
I love getting a mani/pedi as much as the next gal (or guy), but it gets expensive! The last time I had my nails done I was introduced to CND Vinylux weekly nail polish (the creators of Shellac). This nail polish lasts a week, sometimes longer. Butterfly Queen is my favorite shade - a pretty pink with glitter (contained glitter I’m okay with, loose glitter gives me nightmares). Also, Red Baroness is a baller red. Both are shown below in reverse order because...attention to detail on my part mixed with a little laziness to retake the photo. You can find these polishes at Ulta, Beauty Brands, and several other stores.
Wooden Block Puzzle app
If you love Tetris and Dr. Mario, you’ll love Wooden Block Puzzle. It is similar to both but you are given three tiles at a time and you can place them anywhere on the board. Same goal as Tetris (clear lines), the only difference is the game is over if you can no longer place one of the pieces on the board. I love to play this game when I only have a few minutes to decompress and don’t want to get sucked into social media. It is a free app and the ads are short, praise Jesus!
There you have it! My Friday Favorites, happy Friday everyone!
Until Next Time,
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