Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Recipe Review - Fat Head Pizza

A couple of my Facebook friends recommended this recipe, so I had to give it a shot. Healthy pizza? Yes, please! I did feel slightly deceitful when I was making it though. When asked 5,000 times what I was making for dinner I replied “healthy pizza” every time and was met with cheers of joy. I’m guessing they only heard the pizza part. Everyone was happy and kind and loving to each other as the pizza aroma filled the air.

And then it was time to eat.

Middle child recognized immediately that this was no ordinary pizza and was NOT amused. She sat down at the table, took one look at her piece and said in her best condescending voice “I hope this turned out.” Did I detect an eye roll?

Family reviews:

Mom - 10! I thought it was delicious, a lovely substitute for pizza. Is there a chance the almond flour I used was a little on the stale side? Perhaps. Nonetheless, a success. Keto crust for the win!

Dad - “This is really good, it’s a keeper! Did the kids like it?” (He worked late and ate after us...maybe because he knew I was trying a new recipe and the kids would likely spazz? He’s brilliant.) Another 10!

Eldest - “I like it, it’s a 10!” (Mom chokes on her keto crust and has to be rushed by ambulance to the ER.)

Three 10 ratings on a keto recipe? Could it be? A healthy meal we all love?

Middle -  “Uh-uh. It’s a 3.” And asks me why we can’t eat normal food like her friends do and proceeds to pout the rest of the meal.

Youngest - “I actually kind of like this. I’ll pick a 5!”

So there you have it, a six out of ten average from the kids but a resounding ten from the parents. We’ll say it is a decent option to have in the arsenal (any time ANY of the kids give a meal a ten it’s a keeper). Maybe next time I’ll have the kids help me with the sauce and cheese. All of the experts say that if you let the kids help you cook they are more likely to eat it. All of the experts haven’t met MY kids.

Do you have any delicious and healthy new recipes to share?


Until next time,


At January 5, 2018 at 10:40 AM , Blogger Amanda said...

This is my favorite pizza recipe ever! I actually like it over normal pizza....maybe I will make this today! :)


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