Part 2: Why I Will Watch...

The moment you have all been waiting for…part 2 of my riveting series of television shows I won’t watch and will watch (if you haven’t been waiting, please be nice and play along).
If you remember in part 1, I shared four television shows I refuse to watch (click here to see my post). I’ll be honest, it was much easier to write about shows I won’t watch because there are a lot of them. I just don’t watch a lot of tv in general. I used to judge people who said that but now am one of them. Watching anything online does not really appeal to me, it seems like too much of an effort. The network shows on now (besides the few below) just aren’t appealing to me (if a show has an obnoxious laugh track it is dead to me).
However, I do have four favorites that keep me tuning in week after week. So without further ado, I bring you…
Part 2: Why I WILL watch…
The Bachelor/Bachelorette - ABC
I watch “The Bachelor/Bachelorette” because I’m a bad person. You don’t have to tell me, I 100% recognize this character flaw in myself. Let’s just call it my one guilty pleasure show and move on, shall we? But seriously, I was able to steer clear of this reality series for thirteen years. Until Chris Soules...dear Chris Soules. Breaking news in 2014: foxy Iowa farmer on this season of The Bachelor! I was a goner. Friends were posting on Facebook that they saw him at the Iowa State Fair and indeed, he was (is) foxy. We are hard pressed for celebrity in Iowa if you weren’t aware. And I was all in. If you are not familiar with the franchise, you watch one season and then they typically choose one of the rejected contestants as the next Bachelor or Bachelorette. So you are immediately invested in the franchise. Brilliant strategy producers of “The Bachelor”. But it pretty much stinks for everyone tuning in because it is impossible to stop watching this disaster of a show. Why didn’t someone tell me that before I tuned in?! The good news for me is that the new bachelor is a rejected contestant from a season I did not watch, so I’m using this as my opportunity to wean myself from the franchise. Exit stage left. We shall see. Farewell “The Bachelor/Bachelorette”!
Modern Family - ABC
My husband and I have watched “Modern Family” from day one. It is endearing, hilarious and relatable. The show follows the Pritchett families (father, son, daughter and their spouses and children). Three families that couldn’t be more different but always come full circle at the end of the episode. It is also filmed “mockumentary” style which is hilarious. The family members are “interviewed” as if they’re in a documentary and always have something funny to say. Although lately I’ve been disappointed in the sheer amount of plastic surgery the actors have had, I’m willing to see past that as long as they still make me laugh.
I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but “Modern Family” is the show my family always watches in bed when we stay in a hotel. The kids beg for us to find it on tv. There is some inappropriateness (is that a word?), but overall, we just really enjoy it. And for all five of us to agree on the same show, that’s a miracle in and of itself! Unfortunately, it looks as though when the current season nine is over, there will be one more season and the show will be over. Thank goodness for re-runs! Farewell “Modern Family”!
Fixer Upper - HGTV
If you are not in love with Chip and Joanna Gaines, there is a pretty good chance that a) you’ve never seen the show but -obviously- plan to watch it in the very near future or b) you are not a real human being. These two are what every married couple wants to be. They are (clearly) talented at what they do, they are kind, they are giving, they are baller parents and they appear to be very much in love. Chip and JoJo for president!
Anyway, I love this show so much. They help families choose and renovate homes. And the finished product. I. Can’t. Even. I would pay Joanna good money to decorate my home, she’s a genius and her style is everything I want mine to be. If I could just have an hour in her warehouse of home decor goods for staging the homes, my life would be complete. Am I overselling it? I tend to do that. Bottom line, it’s a fun, light-hearted show that my husband and I can watch together. While we’re watching we commonly yell things at the tv like: “That needs a fresh coat of paint!”, “She’ll definitely want to knock down that wall!”, “Remove the popcorn ceiling!” and, “That’s cute!”. Because the hubby and I are cool like that.
I know what you are wondering, am I devastated that they filmed their last season? Short answer, of course. Long answer, of course, what kind of a ridiculous question is that? However, I love where their heart is. They know they are overextended and needed to be more present for their children. Huge respect for that. The good news for me? I have a pretty bad memory so I can start all over with season one on Netflix and it will be brand new to me! Farewell “Fixer Upper!”
New Girl - Fox
This is another show that my husband and I have watched from the beginning. The characters are so different, so unique and - dare I say it twice in one blog - endearing. We tend to laugh hysterically at least once per episode and have to look away at least once per episode. (Sidenote: do other people do the “look away” thing when a scene is super awkward or is it just us?).
Zooey Deschanel plays the lead character, Jessica Day, and is just as quirky as you think she’ll be. (Another sidenote: since you probably have recently watched “Elf” - tis the season - did you know she plays the character of Jovie?)
Again, it looks like “New Girl” is ending soon, too. Sad, but I feel like it’s time. The four main characters are not even living together anymore and their lives are heading in different, less hilarious ways. Farewell “New Girl”!
Scandal - ABC
This one may surprise you because I hate violence and I hate suspense. A few years ago my kids were at their Grandma’s for a week (yes this is a thing, and yes, it is one of my favorite weeks of the year!). I made it my goal to spend the mornings working on cleaning and projects and would reward myself with downtime in the afternoon to relax. Well, downtime turned into binge-watching Scandal. A friend recommended it and I couldn’t stop. President Grant was played by Tony Goldwyn and I found him dreamy. Oh, and Scott Foley is a lead character also (from Felicity fame I’m told, I didn’t watch it) and is also pretty dreamy. And of course Olivia Pope. Wow. Holy girl power Batman!
I will admit, there was at least one season where I lost a part of my soul and felt bad about myself after watching an episode. OK, maybe two seasons. No more than three seasons. But for some reason, I keep coming back for more. My name is Neko Kleckner and I am addicted to Scandal. Guess what? Scandal is just finishing their last season. Another one bites the dust. Farewell “Scandal”!
Is the universe trying to tell me to read more at night? I really need to find some new shows! Now that we are best friends and you know everything about my viewing habits, are there any shows you think I would love? Suggestions?
Until Next Time,
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