Sunday, December 10, 2017

What Is the Real Meaning of Christmas?

Christmas is nearly here. You see it everywhere. Christmas trees are up and decorated. Lights displayed on the outside of homes. Shopping malls are bustling. Stores are displaying swimsuits (isn’t that how it works? Christmas in summer and summer at Christmas?).

After my last post about buying Christmas gifts, I had a real Christmas tragedy strike. Like, a legit tragedy (sarcasm). My husband and seven-year-old son were helping a friend move a couch. Father and son were side by side as my husband opened the back of his truck. Seven-year-old was eye level to his “main” Christmas gift (get it? I’m trying to write in code in case little believers read this). He squealed with excitement to see the gift. But the little man was also confused as to why his “main” gift was in his dad’s truck. Husband froze (why can a Mom come up with a lie in a hot second and husbands freeze?). When I heard about this catastrophe, I was in the middle of a lovely Target trip. I stopped in my tracks. “He found WHAT?” I yelled into my phone (I really don’t yell, it was more of an elevated tone). Months of planning and coordinating all ruined in seconds. Now what? Christmas was ruined.

But was it really? And then it hit me. The real meaning of Christmas.

Is it about gifts? Gifts are great, but not the real meaning of Christmas.

Is it about cookies and candy and eggnog? They are great (especially eggnog: only AE brand please), but not the real meaning of Christmas.

Is it about Christmas trees and garland and stockings? Decorations are great, but not the real meaning of Christmas.

Is it about holiday parties at work or visits to see Santa? Both are great, but not the real meaning of Christmas.

Christmas is the celebration of one of the greatest events in human history – the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the reason for the season. I don’t want to get into a long discussion about Jesus vs. Santa. A Christian holiday vs. a non-Christian holiday. Remember my vow to keep this a happy and light-hearted blog that won’t offend anyone? (If not, here’s a refresher).

Let’s together vow to make this holiday season the best ever! Forget the gifts, forget the pressure of hosting, forget meeting expectations (please forget about meeting expectations - it’s an impossible dream!). Experience the kind of Christmas Jesus would want for you. Celebrate this advent season with expectation and joy. Spend time with family discussing the birth story. Volunteer at an organization that needs people to serve or people to donate. Do things that fill your soul, not deplete your checkbook (do people have checkbooks anymore?)

Hear my heart. I don’t want you to abandon your traditions. Please buy gifts, the Three Wise Men brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the newborn son. Gifts are an amazing way to connect and show your love. And please gather with co-workers and friends and family. The nativity scene was a gathering of people. Community is where it’s at folks. Please bake, because Christmas without my mom’s caramels would be...I can’t even imagine what that would be like. Let’s talk about something else so I can calm my breathing.

Think about Jesus this holiday season. Be grateful for all you have. Involve your children, please involve your children. It is so easy to get caught up in the consumerism of the season leaving children with a want-want-want attitude. Like I said before, gifts are wonderful ways to show your love. But do you know how to love on your kids more than with gifts? Teach them about Jesus Christ. When they are asked what their favorite part of Christmas is, what if they said it was celebrating the birth of Jesus?! Mic drop. It is an invaluable gift that will last them an eternity (instead of the gift you just gave them that they lost interest in after 30 minutes - hold me).

During this time of expectation, spend time with Jesus. Pray. Read your bible.  Let it sink in, the beauty of life and the beauty of this season. Go to church, be with your community. We belong to a very large church. In fact, the church has grown so much that they rented a large event center (think: Garth Brooks and Ed Sheeran concert sized). I’m wildly excited to be a small part of this gathering of Jesus lovers. The power that will be in that space is undeniable and contagious and just downright spiritual. Whether you attend a Christmas service in an arena with 50,000 of your closest friends or at a church surrounded by twenty complete strangers, you are just where God wants you to be. God wants for us to join together in community to celebrate the birth of His Son. Gather your loved ones, your neighbors, your friends, complete strangers. Grab anyone who will (willingly) go to church with you this holiday season.

Jesus is the reason for the season! So let’s put Him front and center. Starting now. Take a big, deep breath with me folks. We can do this together. Get inspired. Get close to Jesus and let him lead you through the last couple of weeks before Christmas. Experience fully the real meaning of Christmas.

Until Next Time,

P.S. Please let me know if you’d like more info about our church service on Christmas Eve. There is room for you and I promise, it will be worth it!


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