Do You Know God Intimately?

Today felt like a good day to share another devotion from the book I am working on. Maybe it is because God has been whispering 83 in my ear for the past couple of weeks. So I looked up my 83rd devotion and I'll be honest, it would not have been my first choice of a devotion to share. I have others that I connect with more. And 83? It's an odd number AND a prime number, ewwww! But I can't ignore the nudge and maybe #83 is something someone out there in blogland needs to hear today!
As a refresher, each of my devotions is intended to ask a question, to guide you to search your heart to answer them. Each title is a question and ends with an activity/question to reflect on and bible verses to dig deeper. So I invite you to do just that!
#83 Do You Know God Intimately?
Intimacy is being known by another person - not just an acquaintance, but someone who knows you as a person, knows your strengths and weaknesses, knows your heart. Knowing who God is and what He has done for His people is one thing, but do you know God intimately? And by intimately I mean, do you feel God in your heart and your soul?
When you invite God into your space, He will never leave you. Not for a moment. He does not guarantee an easy life, but He does guarantee His love and presence through it all. Trust in that knowledge.
So, the million dollar question is, how do you get to know God intimately? We live in a world of instant gratification. You want to talk to someone? Most people have their smartphones on them at all times. Have a question? The internet will instantly answer. Hungry? Fast food.
Open your heart to God and trust Him and you will have instant gratification as well. He knocks, you let Him in. Done deal. However, once you let Him in, you will spend your entire life on a faith journey. You will never know all there is to know about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, heaven or the bible. Impossible. But the journey...ah...that’s the beautiful part. Getting to know God intimately is all about the journey.
In your journey to know God intimately, trust must be at the forefront. Proverbs 3:5 says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
God knows your journey before you take the first step. God already knows YOU intimately, trust Him to guide you. Do not rely on your own understanding, your own interpretation of the bible or a sermon you recently heard.
Invite Him in. Trust Him to lead you to a greater understanding. Knowing God intimately will be the greatest endeavor of your life. Take the step...take the leap.
Do you know God intimately? Number 1-3 below. List three ways you can take steps in your journey to know God intimately.
Dig deeper: Psalm 9:10, Philippians 3:8-11
Until Next Time,
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