Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday Favorites

Bible verse: Acts 20:35

“And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Clip Strainer and Garlic Peeler

I'm not typically a kitchen gadget kind of gal, I don't like a lot of extra clutter so I like to keep things lean and mean in my kitchen. However, this strainer is a gem. You literally just clip the strainer on to your pan and drain it! I've drained grease and water and it works great for both. And then I just throw it on the top rack of the dishwasher and voila! It also came with a bonus garlic peeler and brush. The garlic peeler concept is weird but highly effective. Put a garlic clove in the rubber contraption, rub between your hands and a perfectly peeled garlic clove emerges. I didn't even know I needed this bonus gift! You can buy all three here.


5 Second Rule board game

This game is so fun and really makes you use your brain. Challenging but doable for my seven year old and fun for my almost twelve year old (she may have to skip a few cards). You pick a card and have five seconds to list three things to go with the topic. Examples: Name three countries in South America, Name three animals you wouldn't want as pets, Name three constellations. If this game sounds familiar, you may have seen it on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show". Super fun! You can buy it here.


"Experience God" by Henry Blackaby

A friend recommended this book to me and I know I'll read it over and over. I say this a lot, but it's probably the best book I've ever read...and I'm only halfway through! I'm also reading it in a bible study and it has led to so many great discussions. The main focus is developing and strengthening your relationship with God and living according to his purpose for you. It is jammed packed with awesomeness, my highlighter is begging for mercy. You can buy it here.


My gym offers pilates classes and I try to go at least once a week. Holy ab workout batman! I don't usually get sweaty in this class but my powerhouse is begging for mercy after class (I know I just used that line in #4 but it is applicable for my highlighter AND abs so I'm going with it.) Was anyone obsessed with the Windsor Pilates DVD's back in the early 2000's? Me too, I still pull them out from time to time. And in case you are wondering, yes, this is a picture of me. And my ripped abs and skinny thighs. And my three star tattoos I regretfully got during a crazy night in Vegas. It's definitely NOT a free stock photo I got online.

There you have it! My Friday Favorites, happy Friday everyone!

Until Next Time,


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