What I Buy at Trader Joe's

Ahhh Trader Joe's. I've loved you for a long time. And I'm sorry that I only visit you once every other week now that I've been introduced to my new love - Aldi - but you still own a piece of my heart. And always will.
A friend of mine introduced me to Trader Joe's when it opened in our area in 2010. When my youngest was born that year she said she'd bring me frozen food from Trader Joe's (because friends are awesome...if you know someone having a baby, please, PLEASE offer to bring them a meal). Anyway, she brought me orange chicken - their best seller - and I've been hooked ever since.
My husband and I have been visiting TJ's since then almost weekly on errand Tuesday. For those of you not familiar with this popular Kleckner tradition, EJ works Tuesday afternoons so since I've stayed at home we use Tuesday mornings to run our errands. It makes us happy. When we walk into Trader Joe's on a Tuesday we often hear things like, "must be Tuesday!" or "what did you think of those pickled vegetables?" or if I happen to be alone "are you missing someone?". It's great, TJ's is just a great place to shop with great employees. Great, great, great.
So on with it, my line up of our family's favorites from Trader Joe's.
Charles Shaw Three Buck Chuck (price: can you guess?)
Wine -just like my Aldi review, you knew I’d get there eventually so let’s just start with it. The Three Buck Chuck wine is world famous. In fact, one of the world wars started when the price went from two buck chuck to three buck chuck (don't fact check me on that one). Notice I said world-famous versus world-best? It's not the best wine, but for three bucks, it's good enough and we usually have at least a couple of bottles on hand. In case of a wine emergency. Because life happens.
Mandarin Orange Chicken ($4.99)
I was hesitant at first because I don't typically like things with a strong orange flavor (flavored medicine from my youth perhaps?). But this dinner kit is da-bomb! It's sweet, but not too sweet. A hint of spicy, but not too spicy. It's just barely enough for my family of five, we could probably polish off two bags at a time if someone dared us to try and we ate nothing else with the meal. To make one bag stretch we sometimes add rice (which usually gets treated as a garnish and discarded shortly after). Five enthusiastic thumbs up from the Kleckner clan.
Cinnamon Schoolbook Cookies ($2.99)
I just love these "letter cookies". They single-handedly taught all three of my children how to read. Okay, they didn't but wouldn't that be an amazing Trader Joe's testimonial?! They're a great snack for the kiddos, I even like them. I've lined them with frosting and used them at birthday parties in place of name cards at the dinner table. Wow, that sentence made me sound super creative and crafty (spoiler: I'm not).
Trader Joe's Crunchy Salted Almond Butter ($5.99)
I'm an almond butter snob. There. I said it. I've tried all different brands and this hands down was the best. You can recommend your favorites to me but I won't like them. This is the one. And don't make the mistake of getting unsalted, ewww. And don't ask me for a sample at my house because I use a spoon and double dip until it's gone. Don't judge. When you try it you will double dipping all day long, too.
Trader Joe's Coconut Beverage in Original and Vanilla ($2.99)
We're not a "cow's milk" family (that's what my son calls it). We've been drinking coconut milk since the coconut was invented. Kids prefer the vanilla flavor for their cereal and I prefer the unflavored version for my smoothies. Delish and reasonably priced compared to other brands.
Trader Joe's Organic Fruit Wraps ($.49)
We used to buy these by the handful when the kids were younger. Literally, our kids would stick their little hands into the basket and throw a stack into our cart. Lucky for us, that only equaled a couple at a time. Even though the kids are older it is still a nice little sweet treat for them and because they're organic they obviously are perfectly healthy (note sarcasm).
Fruit (varies but cheap)
There are four fruits I will always buy at Trader Joe's: bananas, lemons, limes and apples. Bananas are always $.19 each. Not by weight. So I don't have to worry about buying large bananas and fearing my kids will throw away half of their uneaten banana and I'll just hear cha-ching! The bags of lemons and limes are also a great deal at $1.99 each. I was at another grocery store the other day and they were selling one lemon for $.99! Gasp! And organic apples for $2.99? Yes, please!
Frozen Vegetables (price varies)
Talk about deals of the century! First, frozen bell pepper slices for $1.99 - red, green and yellow, what?! We always have 2-3 bags of these beauties in our freezer for stir-fry, fajitas, etc. Easy. Riced cauliflower is one of my favorites but ricing with the food processor is not my favorite. Again, for $1.99 and all of the hard work is done? No-brainer. And finally, these brussel sprouts. They are tiny so they cook easily and thoroughly. A little olive oil, bacon, red onion and balsamic vinegar? Heaven. You had me at $.99.
Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans ($4.79)
Every day EJ takes a bag of nuts with a few of these espresso beans as an afternoon snack at work. I'm serious when I say every day. Since he discovered them at Trader Joe's. My man loves routine. They are delicious when paired with an almond or walnut. But I wouldn't dare eat one unaccompanied. I'm not saying you can't, I'm just saying I won't.
Sweet Potato Frites ($1.99)
I'm just going to call these sweet potato fries. I googled frites and am too lazy to get into it. These fries are delicious and pretty nutritious too. A favorite of my family, even the kiddos! You get a healthy serving that is enough for my family of five (weak) eaters. Pair them with ketchup for a taste explosion!
Trader Joe's Soft and Juicy Dried Mango ($1.99)
I've talked about these in my Friday Favorites but they're definitely worth mentioning again. They are delicious. I've sampled a ton of dried mango since returning from Hawaii and these are by far the best tasting and cheapest. They were out of stock for two weeks at Trader Joe's. Last week they were back I made quite a scene to express my sheer joy at seeing them again. I grabbed four bags and an employee who witnessed the spectacle said, "geez, for that reaction I thought you were going to buy all the bags!". Don't worry, I know the guy....remember, I'm a regular!

Fresh Cut Bouquets
Last but not least, fresh flowers from Trader Joe's. I treat myself to them all of the time. I have yet to find a flower anywhere else that lasts as long as these do. I did, however, find a carnation in my last bouquet after I got home. It sent chills up and down my spine when I discovered it. I am too nice to let it die in my garbage so I hid it in the middle of the bouquet and moved on with my life. Sorry carnation lovers...I will never understand you.
There you have it, my Trader Joe's favorites! What items do you buy from TJ's? I can't wait to hear!
Until Next Time,
P.S. Stay tuned for my Costco favorite products!
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