Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Part 2: Ten More Reasons I’m a Weirdo

You all seemed to have so much fun scrutinizing (and agreeing) with my weirdness that I’m going to continue and give you ten more. Here is Part 1 if you missed it. You guys, I truly am a weirdo. My list is endless. But ten at a time is all my ticker can handle.

As a reminder, these ten examples are meant to be fun and not offend anyone so please don't take any of them personally. Like the title says, ten reasons why I AM a weirdo. Here we go!

  • I’m not super sentimental and really have no problem throwing or giving things away. “Things” are not important to me. Collecting “things” definitely is not important to me. I doubt there will be a situation where I’ll regret letting go of something that no longer serves a purpose. Relax people, I kept one baby outfit and the kids’ baptism outfits. Otherwise, buh-bye stuff!

  • I’m a creature of habit. For example, at my gym I always: park on the same side of the parking lot, use the same locker number (or the one on either side if mine is taken), put my shoes in the same cubby at yoga, and use a shower on the right versus the left. And that’s just at my gym! This has nothing to do with my terrible memory (yes it does).

  • I have to wash my face at night. I can’t even remember a time I haven’t washed my face at night to tell you how I would react to it. Think of it like this - would a clown go to sleep in all of its clown make-up? Heck no! (I apologize for the clown analogy if you read this my dear husband).

  • Sorry my flip-flop loving fans, but sometimes I just love to put on shoes and socks. There is something comforting about having my feet covered. Don’t worry, I said *sometimes*. My hands and feet (and head and midsection and arms and legs) are always cold so this definitely contributes to the shoes and socks thing. Is the socks with Birkenstocks trend back yet? I could rock it this time around.

  • My spending patterns are very cyclical. For a spell, I will want to shop for clothes and then magically it turns to home furnishings and then back to clothes and then back to home furnishings. Now that I’m writing this, is that normal or am I a weirdo?

  • When I can’t find something I turn into a beast. It’s all I can think about and obsess about it. I think oftentimes God offers me grace and gives me a hint of where to find things so I’ll calm down. Thank you, Jesus!! Currently, I’m looking for my son’s blue jacket. I’m not at the hysterical stage yet but it’s coming.

  • I love my birthday. I love being celebrated. I love being spoiled. I love presents. That sounds terrible I know. My parents always made a big deal out of I blame them for over-celebrating me (said no child ever).

  • I’m very self-conscious about not having a real, paying job. I kinda want one, but I kinda don’t want one. Anyone know of a flexible, part-time, work from home job? I’m your gal! Actually, can I just keep writing and call it good? Because that’s what I love to do more than almost anything!

  • I love road trips, it’s in my DNA to love road trips. My parents are the king and queen of road trips. Fortunately, I married a man who also loves to just jump in the car and drive around. We have some of our best, deepest conversations in these random road trips. 

  • I’m not a big fan of swearing. I don’t mind if others do, I just never really have been a swearer (it’s a word, I’m sure of it!) I also despise the f-bomb, I think it makes people sound just a little dumb. No offense.

Okay, that's all I have in me for now. Do any of these resonate with you or am I alone in my psycho-ness? Please share!

Until Next Time,


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