Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Means Everything

Easter means life after death. Light after darkness. It means eternity. It means salvation. The forgiveness of our sins. The ultimate sacrifice and most of all love. Easter means everything.

Always remember what Jesus did for us. You can commit an unforgivable sin, a sin so painful you can't even speak of it and it cuts you to the core just thinking of it. Guess what? Jesus forgives you. Because of that day on the cross. Because of the day he rose from the grave. You are forgiven.

Seek the Lord in all you do. Follow His ways. Practice humility. Kindness. Gratitude. Perspective. Love. Hope. Joy. Live in a way pleasing to Him. Jesus will guide you through your life - your purpose, your path, your dreams - and give you everything you need. His ultimate goal for you is to secure a place in heaven. That should be your ultimate goal as well. 

Thank Jesus for the life He's given you. Your life isn't perfect, nobody's is. You may have dreams not yet realized, goals unmet, friendships broken, loved ones departed. But make no mistake, the life you've been given is the life He intended for you to live to its fullest. Be thankful for His love and guidance.

Every day is a gift given to us by our Heavenly Father. You are never guaranteed time on this earth. However, you are guaranteed a heaven after this life through Jesus Christ. Embrace the gift you 've been given and live life to its fullest. 

Remember there is so much more to Easter than candy, baskets, colored eggs and bunnies. It certainly is easy to get caught up in the commercialism of Easter. It is about the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who was cruelly beaten, humiliated and hung on a cross. All for us. For our sins. Present and future. The greatest gift you could ever be given. Have you accepted this gift, a gift of eternity? It is available to you anytime or any place. It's free. You just have to say yes.

Happy Easter my dear friends!

Until Next Time, 


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